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Semi-open nose correction To be beautiful, juicy, leading the trend at Emma Clinic

Review!! Change the nose shape to be beautiful, juicy, leading the trend.. with a nose design The most popular slope slope!! Change the face to be more fiery than before. With Emma Clinic’s Semi Open Nose Correction technique, add a bang! and the ultimate confidence..

By today.. Admin would like to take everyone to see this case of “nose correction” with Khun “Mook” #Emma Clinic’s daughter. Decided to fix the semi open nose, change the nose look to match the face more. Want a nose shape that is beautiful and sharp to match the face Beautiful Korean Interlook So I decided to consult with the surgeon of Emma Clinic. By after fixing the nose.. How beautiful will our pearl come out? Let’s go follow this review.

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I used to have rhinoplasty in the past, Technique Close

Annyeong, everyone. “Mook”. I have to say that Annyeong because in the past I’m a sweet girl with a cute type, Tamutami, Korean style, scratching my heart. But the same face that looks cute like this, we have had nose surgery before. With the Close rhinoplasty technique, which makes our face look dimensional. and look more beautiful too

Why ??? To have to fix my nose again? That’s because.. Actually, I have a nose shape that I want. I like the nose bridge that looks slender, has dimensions, sloped nose, pointed tip, giving it a Korean-like look + frizzy line, becoming a Korean international look. But due to the limitations of the Close Technique rhinoplasty, it makes our nose After trying to add it, it still doesn’t answer the question exactly as you want. Because we are a small nose. At that time, I added as much as I could before, did not force the meat, but now, with growing up and having more budget, I want something that is the most for myself.

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Consultation for rhinoplasty at Emma Clinic

Want to change the shape of the nose to look more fiery make the look look bigger So I came to consult with the surgeon at Emma Clinic. Emma Clinic is already famous for Korean nose shape. But it was learned that Emma has support for rhinoplasty surgery that combines all techniques together. answer all problems All requirements, including Close, Open and Semi Open techniques.

After consulting with the doctor We have chosen to correct the nose with the Semi Open technique because it is at the level suitable for our problem. and respond to the shape we want The doctor will design a nose shape based on the Golden Ratio international principle that best matches our face and the rave that we protrude.

What is Semi Open Rhinoplasty?

Many friends may have doubts. What is the Semi Open rhinoplasty technique? Semi-open rhinoplasty It is an open surgery technique in the nostrils on both sides. This is different from the general Close Technique rhinoplasty that will open the incision in one nostril, which is the advantage of Semi Open.

  • nail the base of the nose For example, in our case, the person whose original nose base is quite wide. Stamping the base of the nose will make the nose bridge look slimmer, sharper, and more dimensional. The Semi Open technique allows the doctor to insert the tools. You can nail the base of the nose on both sides.
  • File the base thoroughly. Help decorate the nose bridge. Smooth the bone surface and place the silicone closely
  • Can use the coccygeal membrane or the bone behind the ear. Like our case The doctor recommends using the coccygeal tissue technique. will help answer our questions and reduce the likelihood of tip breaking
  • adjust tilt base or adjust the nostrils can add symmetry Inter-dome sutures to enhance the tip of the nose to make it look beautiful as well.

Which technique the doctor will choose to use depends on the problem and needs of each patient. In any case, try to consult with the doctor first. What techniques do we need to use in our cases? For friends who are interested in coming to consult for nose surgery. Or fix your nose with the doctor just like us You can contact me to contact admin. Click directly on the link below.

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Semi Open Nose Correction Immediately after!!

come!! Now we have completed the nose correction. Let’s compare it before and after doing it right away. after nose correction The doctor added the tip to make it more prominent. The bridge of the nose looks slender. more sharp and adjust the nose bridge to have a slope down to the tip of the nose

In addition, the technique that the doctor gave us to fix the nose. The doctor uses the Semi Open rhinoplasty technique to make the base of the nose more slender. Support the tip of the nose with coccyx tissue so that the tip is pointed, smooth and can be made out as we want. The sharp edge, the slope is real, the tip is pointing, what is real!!

At the time of surgery We hardly have any concerns. Because trusting the doctor I trust Emma Clinic a lot and have been through the war. I’ve had surgery. So I’m not afraid anymore After doing it, there will be a slight tightness on the nose. But I didn’t feel any pain or pain at all. The wound on the coccyx doesn’t feel painful either. It’s a very chill nose correction. Once done, you can come back and relax at home.

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Let’s update the beauty after fixing the semi open nose.

Immediately after doing it, you will see some swelling and bruising already. I thought that it must be very swollen after this, but the truth that I found was that.. I’m astonished too. Because the swelling and bruising is much less than expected. There is only swelling in the first few days, but after that it subsides very quickly. After 2 weeks, the cast is removed and the stitches are removed. Able to wear make-up for photo shoots and there are only people saying “The new nose fits the face very well.” The face looks sharp, looks a lot more dimensional. Meet someone who greets you like this Happy

Regarding taking care of yourself, after Semi Open rhinoplasty, I use the same method of taking care of myself as when doing nose job with the Close technique. Starting from taking medicine, sleeping on high pillows, applying cold compresses often, refraining from slang food and alcohol as before. But the additional thing is that the surgical wounds in both nostrils must be cleaned. I already know how to take care of myself. Take care of yourself in a chill way this time.

After taking care of myself continuously, the face will gradually disappear, swelling every day and the nose starts to tighten more and more every day. Let’s continue to watch. How will it come out after our nose is swollen, tightened and in place 100%?

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Me right now after semi open rhinoplasty

On that day, when I decided to fix my nose, many people asked me, “It’s already beautiful, why fix it?” Until now, from that question.. became a flood of admiration now because this nose shape is so beautiful. I’m a sour girl. And another thing that I like is “This new face still looks Korean. I scratched my heart as usual. But it’s a Korean girl in the inter-look version” who looks cooler and more confident than before. and most importantly made out and matched with the face match our look It seems like this nose shape was born to belong to us.

but accept it that after doing it at first, I was afraid that the tip of the nose would go too far!! But enough to wait until entering the place The nose came out very well. It’s much easier when taking pictures. Turning to the side, it’s straight, the face is sharp, the picture comes out, the face is also more chic. I really like my face now. I think it’s not wrong that I decide to have a semi open nose correction at Emma Clinic.

Now you can be yourself confidently and for any sis who wants to be confident. At Emma Clinic, we provide comprehensive services including all techniques to answer all questions for people who want to be confident. In any case, try to consult with the clinic. find yourself Be the most beautiful and confident in your own way at Emma Clinic.

For young people who are interested in Open rhinoplasty, semi-open rhinoplasty, including all techniques You can contact us. Learn more at FB: Open Rhinoplasty by Emma Clinic OPEN RECONstruction And for anyone interested I would like to learn more about the surgery, including nose augmentation, including all techniques, chin augmentation, face shape adjustment, double eyelid surgery, breast augmentation, chestnut-shaped lips, skin care, and complete beauty enhancement. Follow the news New surgery trends, good knowledge, and see more beautiful reviews at www.emmaclinicthailand.com

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